What sets us apart from other blade repair facilities is our patented Water Removal process. All CH-47 blades in the field have absorbed water over time. AvTask has engineered equipment and developed a patented process to non-intrusively remove the water from the rotor blades. This process has been approved by the US Army and OEM to repair thousands of CH-47 Blades for over 20 yr.

How do I remove moisture from the rotor blade?

Magic Box

The Magic Box Dryer was developed at Avtask to non-destructively remove moisture from CH-47 rotor blades. The aft fairing of a Chinook blade is comprised of a contoured honeycomb core and two .010” thick composite Laminates on either side of the core.

The natural heating and cooling cycles of the atmosphere allows moisture to collect in the blade core. Until the advent of the Magic Box Dryer, trapped water was removed by a destructive "gang" Drilling process, then repaired. This process added weight to the blades, often creating a blade too heavy to balance. Our experience has shown that blades absorbed as much as 11 pounds of water. The Avtask water removal process allows water to be removed from blades NON-INTRUSIVELY. The blades may then be repaired more weight efficiently and statically balanced using the Avion USBF and returned to service.

*** Thousands of blades have been saved using this process.